
Week 9- 13M running, no cardio x-training

Weird week.

I got sharp, shock-like pain in the side of my foot about 20 minutes into my first run of the week. It happened twice within about 30 seconds, and even though nothing else was really bothering me, I had no choice but to stop. Those split second shooting pains were strong enough that I couldn't convince myself to run through them.

The next day I made it through my entire 15 minute warm up with no problems, including a one minute surge at my tempo pace (6:44). I took a quick stretch break, started the tempo portion of my run, and in less than 60 seconds I had two more of those shooting pains again so I shut it down. As I walked to the trainer's room, it happened again.

The trainer said it's probably a nerve that's being aggravated by an inflamed base to my fifth metatarsal. He said running on it could add more trauma to what's already there and said the shooting nerve pain is the first indicator of a Jones Fracture.

That being said. I'm laying low another week. Max of 20 minutes easy per day. Nothing on my toes - no surges, hills, or strides. No pavement. Stopping if I get any shooting pains.

I don't mind cross training, but I have a really really sore hip flexor/ groin on the left side right now and I can't get in to see the doc until Monday, so that rules out quite a few options.

Sunday - Rest day
Monday - ~21 minutes on the trail (shooting pains started after about 20 minutes)
Tuesday - ~16 minutes on the treadmill (got in a 15' warm up and 1' of the tempo before getting the shooting pains)
Wednesday - 20 minutes on the grass track (dull ache, but no shooting pains; left hip hurt at the end)
Thursday - Rest day
Friday - ~15 minutes in the neighborhood (same shooting foot pain stopped me early)
Saturday - 15 minute warm up, 2 strides, 5k fun run in De Leon, 4 minute cool down (no shooting pains during the race - final time of 21:10 which is about 6:50 pace)

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