
Building fitness (75 minutes)

I am hardly running anything at all (just over 12 miles last week), but I honestly feel so much more fluid than I've felt in a long time. My stride feels clean and natural, and for the past several months it felt choppy and uncoordinated. I think 90% of the changes in my stride are from Dr. Rhonda Grubb's corrective exercise work. I'm really encouraged by the pain-free starts to my runs and hope to keep making very very small progress each week.

Again, I don't plan on running any further once I start to feel aches or pains. It's taking a lot of self-control, but I don't want to cheat myself and not be ready to train with a fresh body in January.

Monday, September 15th
60' bodypump class + 30' elliptical + injury prevention

Tuesday, September 16th
60' cycle class + 25' run

Wednesday, September 17th
40' cycle class + core + 40' brisk walk

Thursday, September 18th
30' cycle + 30' strength + 25' run

Friday, September 19th
rest day

Saturday, September 20th
25' run + core

Sunday, September 21st
Quick round of core work - fighting a sinus infection

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