
The beginning of 2016 (17.75M / 6 runs)

Friday, January 1st
Walk thru drills, run thru drills, 3' jog, lunge matrix, leg swings.
3M run avg 8:26 pace. Left hip flexor very painful. Left food moderate. 8:39, 8:22, 8:15.
Walk thru drills, 2x40" pedestal rotation, Myrtl routine.

Saturday, January 2nd
Walk thru drills, run thru drills, lunge matrix, leg swings. Hip flexor hurts on drills.
35' spinning: 15' easy, 20' of 30" sprint, 3:30 moderate. No aches. HR 145 to 184 during 20' segment.
Walk thru drills, 2 x leg circuit, 2x40" pedestal rotation, Myrtl routine.

Sunday, January 3rd
Walk thru drills, run thru drills, 3' jog, lunge matrix, leg swings.
30' run avg 8:23 pace for 3.58M. Left hip flexor very painful. Left foot only bad on last stretch.
Walk thru drills, big 8 core, Myrtl routine.

Monday, January 4th
Walk thru drills, run thru drills, lunge matrix, leg swings.
35' spinning: 15' easy, 20' of 2' hard, 3' moderate. Right achilles hurts. HR 145 to 184 during 20' segment.
Walk thru drills, 2 x leg circuit, 2 x pedestal rotation with leg lifts, Myrtl routine.

Tuesday, January 5th
Walk thru drills, run thru drills, 3' jog, lunge matrix, leg swings.
30' run avg pace 8:22 for 3.59M. Left hip flexor and right achilles are messed up. Foot was fine. 8:32, 8:24, 8:15, 8:08.
Walk thru drills, 3 x 15" stride avg 5:25 pace, walk back recovery, Cannonball Cooldown.

Wednesday, January 6th
Walk thru drills, run thru drills, 3' jog, lunge matrix, leg swings.
4M run avg 8:22 pace. Left hip flexor still really bad. Foot and achilles seem to be improving. 8:37, 8:28, 8:18, 8:06.
Walk thru drills, 2x40" pedestal rotation, Myrtl routine.

Thursday, January 7th
Walk thru drills, run thru drills, 3' jog, lunge matrix, leg swings.
30' run avg pace 8:24 for 3.58M. Left hip flexor still awful. 8:42, 8:29, 8:12, 8:04.
Run thru drills, 3 x 15" stride avg 5:44 pace, walk back recovery, Cannonball Cooldown.

Friday, January 8th
Walk thru drills, run thru drills, lunge matrix.
35' indoor bike: 15' easy, 20' of 1' hard, 3' moderate. Left hip flexor hurts. HR 153 to 183 during 20' segment.
2 x leg circuit, 2 x pedestal routine with leg lifts, Myrtle routine.

Saturday, January 9th
Walk thru drills, run thru drills, lunge matrix, leg swings, 3' jog.
4M hilly run avg 8:04 pace. Left hip flexor worst uphill. Too cold... Way too cold without an ear band. 8:19, 8:06, 8:01, 7:47.

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