We now have 4 weeks to prepare for our next meet.
My new focus is the Regional Championships.
After this weekend, I am more committed than ever to putting forth a solid fight to get to Nationals on that day.
This week will be a bit off, as I am trying to allow some tendinitis issues to heal.
Monday, September 20th
[morning HR: 52]
*60' aquajog w/ 10' uptempo, 5' steady, 10 x 2' HARD, 1:30 recovery, 10' steady
(this workout was intense. i was told before i started that the girls who did this on the track today had a very impressive practice, so i wanted to be sure i got in an equivalent work load. every 2' segment i pictured myself covering the last 1k of our regional course. talk about motivation.)
*3 x 6 pull-ups and dips (SLOW)
*1 x 10 rowing and chest press (SLOW)
*30' steady stationary bike
*3 x 20 med ball crunches and med ball russian twist (on a stability ball)
Tuesday, September 21st
[morning HR: 53]
*2 x 45" H-core circuit
*80' aquajog w/ diagonals for the last 20'
*30' stationary bike
Wednesday, September 22nd
[morning HR: 50]
*6 miles at Trinity River Corridor
average pace per mile- 9:24, 9:02, 8:41, 8:33, 7:31, 7:18
comments- one of my least favorite runs of the year. but without those days, what would make the good runs so perfect? it was supposed to be uptempo for the last 2 miles, but i struggled with the footing and did not want to push things with my health right now. still feeling sick and still having pain in the foot, so with tomorrow being the more important workout, i decided to just 'get through' today's run. just have to keep being patient and trusting God. His ways are higher than mine. He's been good thus far, and i know He is faithful.
*3 x 6 pull-ups and dips
*1 x 10 rowing and chest press
*3 x 20 med ball crunches and med ball russian twists (on a stability ball)
*3 x 30" front and back planks on a stability ball
*30' stationary bike
Thursday, September 23rd
[morning HR: 49]
*2 mile warm up, 4 mile tempo run, 2 mile cool down at Fish Creek Trail
average pace/ total time- 6:15/ 24:58
average pace per mile- 6:31, 6:17, 6:05, 6:07
comments- perfect. absolutely perfect. smooth and comfortable. and it definitely should not have been, as i have been feeling so sick and weak and my foot was the worst yet during our warm-up. but as soon as we started the tempo, for 25 minutes everything was perfect. the weather, my body, my thoughts were clear and positive, and i could not be more thankful to have the God i have on my side. these are the days i keep training for. days like today are what make this sport so great.
*30' stationary bike
Friday, September 24th
[morning HR: 52]
*core work
*60' aquajog with 1',2',3',4',5',5',4',3',2',1' (1' recoveries) and 10 x 30" hard, 30" easy
Saturday, September 25th
[morning HR: 50]
*70' run- 15' warmup, 1,3,10,1,3,5 surges on a 5' cycle, 15' cool down
where: treadmill at 1% incline
average paces: warmup- 8:30 to 7:45, 1' and 3' surge- 6:31, 10' surge- 6:27, 1',3',5' surge- 6:18, all recoveries- 7:47, cool down- 7:30
comments: felt so comfortable. most relaxed long run "workout" i've done and i couldn't be more thankful considering i was on a treadmill and had no music! thankfully i had some football games to watch for the first 40' and some good conversation for the last 30'! foot still hurts though?
*cannonball cool down
*3 x 6 dips & pull-ups
*1 x 10 chest press, rowing, knee extension, leg curl
*3 x 20 med ball crunches & med ball russian twists on stability ball
Sunday, September 26th
[morning HR: 53]
Rest day!!!
Total miles for the week: 23.
Total number of runs for the week: 3.
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