
Bubble gum shoes!

I got new shoes today!! Bubble gum pink Nike Zoom Elite! I've never worn this shoe before as I've always been put in very neutral, light shoes, but I'm just excited to be in some fresh shoes and ready to get this ball rolling! Jake made a plan for me that picks up June 2nd, so I have thru the end of this week to wean myself off the run-walk intervals and step up to the real thing. Eeek!

Sunday, May 26th
1M walk in the morning
4M with 3 sets of 6' running, 2' walking in the afternoon (This is by far the worst I've felt during any of my runs so far, but it's also the first time I ran two days in a row, late in the afternoon, on a hungry stomach, and with solid pre-existing sleepiness! I am sure Tuesday's run will feel better! I plan on shortening the rest a bit next time!)

Monday, May 27th
Rest day. Terrible stomach pain starting mid morning. Barely was able to stand straight long enough to get our groceries! :( Flipped today's cross train/ strength day with Friday, which actually works out better. Classes are cancelled at the gym today for Memorial Day, so I'll be able to go to them now that I'm working out on Friday.

Tuesday, May 28th
4M with 5', 7', 9' running, 1' walk before work (I did not want to risk missing this one for stomach problems again, so I got it in first thing! The plan was actually 4 sets of 5 minutes with 1 minute walk breaks, but during the first one I realized that I am not being very fair to myself in getting prepared for continuous runs next week. I decided to lengthen my running segments today and keep the one minute rest breaks. Worked perfectly! I had some femur pain during the last interval, but it was lower in my thigh than the fracture, so I'm not terribly concerned. The 9' rep was also my most telling run interval yet because I got to get a general idea of my pace, which I believe is just under 8:00. Long ways to go, but I'm hoping to be ready!)

Wednesday, May 29th
60' cycle class before work
60' barbell class after work
Wednesdays are my favorite because my two favorite classes at 24 Hour are both at times I can make and the teacher is my favorite one! Always leaves me sore on Thursdays!

Thursday, May 30th (Jake's birthday!)
40' with 2 sets of 9' running, 1' walk between sets. Glad to have a couple days off until next week's continuous runs start up. The front of my thigh was a bit sore again, but I am thinking it's muscle soreness is all. Very busy day ahead!

Friday, May 31st
60' PiYo class. This was my first time to go to the class and let me tell you... I officially have AWFUL balance! That, and it takes me about 1.5 seconds to process directions, so I will always be a step behind everyone else! Haha! About the only parts of the class that I felt confident in were the plank exercises and squats. Everything else I was a joke! Haha! Good to shake things up though, and I am sure it would benefit me to continue with it.

Saturday, June 1st
60' Cycle Class. Still feeling this femur.. particularly towards my inner thigh. :/

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