
I will walk by faith.

Not by sight.

That song came on my ipod when I turned it on this last Thursday morning and I believe there is a reason. I have become so rushed in the mornings that I broke my old routine. I no longer sit down and devote time in the day specifically to growing in the Lord. I've missed it and have been craving that time, but all I could think about was what needed to be done and I never took the initiative to put my reading and journaling first.
So, this week I want to refocus my life. Priorities need to change. I told Jake about all of this on Saturday, and being the amazing husband he is, he took me to Mardel and I got a new journal and devotional book... it studies "patience". Fitting, right? :) Anyways, that's the most exciting news I have to share for this week.

As far as training goes, the pain in my foot has encouraged us to be a little more careful this week, so we're making a few changes. Basically, I will be repeating last week, but I've rearranged the days so that I can have 2 days of no running before I start back.

Monday, July 12th
[morning heart rate: 52 (56 the first time though, so it could be off!)]
*60' aquajog w/ 2 sets of 12 x 1:30 hard, 30" recovery and 2' recovery between sets.
*2 x 40" pedestal routine (pm).
*light yoga stretching (pm).
**Iced twice today and used anti-inflammatory gel 3 times.**

Tuesday, July 13th
[morning heart rate: totally forgot to take it!!! :( ]
*2 mile run by myself.
Where- DBU grass track.
Average Pace/ Total Time- 7:44/ 15:31
Average Heart Rate/ % of my Heart Rate Reserve- 165/ 76%
Comments- Felt alright. Felt great to my body, as usual (although the grass was pretty soggy and definitely made it more challenging effort-wise), but I'm still not sure what's going on with my foot? I'm feeling strong though. I wish I had a film of myself running before my injury and again now.. I think my form is entirely different just because I'm so much stronger and more efficient now!
*60' aquajog w/ 2 sets of 8 x 2:30 hard, 30" recovery and 2' recovery between sets. Solid workout again. The intervals are making my aquajogging feel so much more productive. I am completely spent at the end of the last one, and it has been a great chance for me to practice pushing harder at the end of race when you're hurting the most. Definitely won't be getting a chance to practice that on land for a while, so I'm grateful for this outlet!
*Core Workout: 3 sets of 1' x The Bicycle, Prone Core Stabilization w/ leg lifts, Bridge w/ leg lifts, Side-Lying Core Stabilization w/ running legs, Fire Hydrants, Supine Core Stabilization w/ leg lifts... 10 push-ups between each set. (You can find the details of these exercises at www.smiweb.org).
*yoga stretches (pm).
**Iced twice again and used the anti-inflammatory gel 3 times!**

Wednesday, July 14th
[morning heart rate: 52]
*3 mile run by myself.
Where- DBU grass track
Average Pace/ Total Time- 7:43/ 23:11
Average Heart Rate/ % of my Heart Rate Reserve- 166/ 77%
Comments- Still feeling strong. I'm learning to really ease into things. Came through the first mile at 8:30 and just naturally built into the run. I'm starting to realize the blessings of this grass track. It's going to make me much stronger than running on hard, flat ground... the effort level next time I run on the roads is going to feel so easy! (Still pain in the top of my foot but definitely no worse?!).
*2 x 45" pedestal routine w/ 5 leg lifts.
*80' steady aquajog.
**Iced once and applied the gel three times!**

Thursday, July 15th
[morning heart rate: 54]
*2 mile run by myself.
Where- DBU grass track.
Average Pace/ Total Time- 7:35/ 15:13
Average Heart Rate/ % of my Heart Rate Reserve- 165/76%.
Comments- Felt incredibly good for that pace. I thought I was running much slower. I'm feeling really good about my form and I think that's making a huge contribution to the fact that I'm able to run faster without increasing the intensity. My foot is still hurting, but again, no worse.
*60' aquajog w/ 1', 2', 3', 4', 5', 10', 5', 4', 3', 2', 1' hard, 1' recovery between each.
*general strength workout: 2 x 15 Bulgarian Split Squats, 30" Flutters, 15 Hip/Leg Extensions, 15 One Point Dumbbell Row, 12 T Push Up, 60" Prone Cobra; followed by The Hundred, Russian Twists (60), Rowers (20), Captain's Chair (10). [workout description can be seen at http://figureathlete.tmuscle.com/article/training/no_business_running&cr=> and I highly recommend it. Solid, quick, and effective all-over workout.]

Friday, July 16th

[morning heart rate: 54]
*REST DAY! (not my normal rest day, but I am running this Sunday, so my day off falls on a Friday!)
**Iced twice and used the gel twice.**

Saturday, July 17th
[morning heart rate: 54]
*3 mile run with Jake!
Where- Boy Scout Camp.
Average Pace/ Total Time- 7:43/ 23:12
Average Heart Rate/ % of my Heart Rate Reserve- 165/ 76%
*Core Routine Jake found: 2 sets of 30" x back plank, v-sits w/ running arms, right side plank, swimmers, left side plank, v-sits w/ flutter kick, swimmers breaststroke, sit-ups w/ elbow to opposite knee, indian style crunches, v-sits w/ scissor over/under. (1' rest between sets).
*90' steady aquajog.
**Only iced once and used the gel once..**

Sunday, July 18th
[morning heart rate: 52]
*3 mile run with Jake!
Where- Dirt road in LaRue, TX.
Average Pace/ Total Time- 7:34/ 22:44
Average Heart Rate/ % of my Heart Rate Reserve- 166/ 77%
Comments- Another nice run. My foot hurt more today than it has the rest of the week, but that could be from a combination of several things... I'm not worried about it. The road we ran on was .75 miles long and about 3/4ths of it was a gradual incline (decline coming back) and 1/4th of it was a steep incline (decline). 2 out and backs definitely made for some good hill work for a girl who's been on a flat circle.. :)
*Core Workout: 15 minutes of 30" segments of various core/leg strength work.

Total miles for the week: 13 miles.
Total number of runs: 5.

1 comment:

  1. I Love you Rachel Phillips!! Glad you took charge of your "hunger" before you reached complete starvation! The Lord is faithful to those who are faithful in Him so keep Him first in everything you do and you'll be alright (just like u used to stay in our pantry snacking on food you should also be periodically "snacking" on the word throughout the day to avoid the hunger pains). I'm still sooo pumped that you are running :) I'm keeping that foot in prayer as well as your patience :)
