
My 7th week on land.... :)

Monday, July 26th
[morning HR: 50]
*4 miles moderate by myself.
where- gravel path at DBU.
average pace/total time- 7:14/ 28:59.
average HR/ % of HR reserve- 174/ 82%.
comments- Good run. A nice surprise, actually. Terry Jessup had suggested to Jake and I that I try to run 10" faster than my daily pace for moderate runs, and that I should not worry about my HR during the run. Well, I was a little worried that 7:25 would be too much for me right now because my first 4 mile run was just 2 days ago; but, at 1.75 miles I looked down and my average pace was already 7:16. Definitely encouraging. It's a little difficult to know that I'm behind where I have been before at this point in the summer, but I will say this... 7:14 pace has never felt this good this early on. And a month and a half ago, I hadn't run a step for 6 months. Just have to be patient... I think this year could be very exciting by the time November gets here.

*2 x 45" pedestal routine w/ 5 leg lifts.
*60' aquajog w/ 2x12x1:30H,30"R.
*H Core Routine.
*sleepytime (pm).

Tuesday, July 27th
[morning HR: 50]
*3 miles easy by myself.
where- Mountain Creek Lake Park.
average pace/ total time- 8:02/ 24:09
average HR/ % of my HR reserve- 164/ 63%
comments- Nice run. Probably started slower than I needed to, but wanted to be sure I allowed myself room to recover if my body had needed it. Felt every "hill" on the first loop but after that it felt nice and I enjoyed the change of scenery!
*running form drills (picking 2 every week after an easy run): 2 x 100m running no arms & 2 x 30" high knees.
*2 x 45" pedestal routine.
*60' aquajog w/ 2x8x2:30H,30"R.
*work capacity circuit: 3 sets of 6 x body squat*, 6 x walking lunge*, 6 x step-ups*, 20 x mountain climbers, 45" plank, 6 x dips, 6 x pull-ups, 30 x russian twists*. 5' warm up and 5' cool down. [*using 6.6lb med ball]
*feet exercises.

Wednesday, July 28th
[morning HR: 52]
*breath enhancers.
*4 miles easy by myself.
where- Boy Scout Camp.
average pace/ total time- 7:41/ 30:49
average HR/ % of my HR reserve- 166/65%.
comments- Awesome run! So nice!! I was feeling pretty sleepy and out of it prior to the start, and to be honest was not really looking forward to the run. But within the first 3 minutes I was awake, feeling good, and so grateful for another pretty day and beautiful place to run!!! I looked down at the end of each mile to see how my average pace for the total run progressed... after the first mile it was 8:20, then 8:02, then 7:49, then at the end of the run it was 7:41. Love it... slow and natural progression... always feels good like that! :)
*70' aquajog.
*sleepytime (pm).

Thursday, July 29th
[morning HR: 54? probably a bit off..]
*70' aquajog w/ 1,2,3,4,5,10,5,4,3,2,1 (1' recovery), 10 x 20"H,40"R.
*2 x 45" pedestal routine.
*work capacity circuit: 3 sets of 6 x body squat*, 6 x walking lunge*, 6 x step-ups*, 20 x mountain climbers, 45" plank, 6 x dips, 6 x pull-ups, 30 x russian twists*. 5' warm up and 5' cool down. [*using 6.6lb med ball]
*feet exercises.

Friday, July 30th
[morning HR: 50 (as of 2:10AM)]
*3 miles easy by myself.
where- Fish Creek Trail.
average pace/ total time- 7:56/23:50
average HR/ % of my HR reserve- 167/66%
comments- Nothing bad. Slept 2.5 hours last night, max. My HR was at 175 when I turned around at 1.5 miles so spent the way home trying to relax and get it down. Worked. Just hope I get some good rest before tomorrow...
*2 x 45" pedestal routine w/ 5 leg lifts.
*45' aquajog w/ 7x5'H,1'R.

Saturday, July 31st
[morning HR: 52]
*breath enhancers.
*6 miles w/ 4 x 1' surge, 4' normal by myself.

Where- White Rock Lake (Norbuck Park for the first 1.5 miles).
Average Pace/ Total Time- 7:30/ 45:00
"Lap" Paces- 8:56 for the first 10', 1' surges- 6:02, 5:50, 5:35, 5:55 ; recovery segments- 7:46, 7:39, 7:54, 7:28; 7:08 for the remaining 15'.
Average HR/ % of HR Reserve- 168/ 67%.
Comments- Definitely had heavy legs from the very start of the run, but I guess the surges loosened them up enough. Never felt like a hard effort run and the distance was not a problem. Will want to rest up and recover well though as the run ended up longer than planned!
*H Core Routine.
*90' steady aquajog.

Sunday, August 1st
[morning HR: 50]

Total Miles for the Week: 20.
Total # of Runs: 5.

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